Robert is also serving as the band’s producer and mentor. 12 piano duet arrangements of favorite hymns: Amazing Grace Be Thou My Vision Crown Him with Many Crowns Fairest Lord Jesus Holy, Holy, Holy I Need Thee Every Hour O Worship the King What a Friend We Have in Jesus and more. Share, download and print free sheet music with the world's largest community of sheet music creators, composers, performers, music teachers, students, beginners, artists, and other musicians with over 1,500,000 digital sheet music to play, practice, learn and enjoy.

King Calaway is comprised of six members - Deaton, Caleb Miller, Simon Dumas, Jordan Harvey, Chad Michael Jervis and Austin Luther - and was put together by Deaton’s father, music-industry veteran and Country Music Association Awards executive producer Robert Deaton. El Matador was an incredible location for filming and we really love that the organic setting of the beach mirrors the authentic feel of the song.”

“‘World for Two’ is about taking a step back from the hectic world we live in and spending time with someone you love. “We had the best time shooting this music video!” drummer Chris Deaton tells PEOPLE. A water expert says heavy rainfall forecast for southern Alberta could cause damage in some areas, but it doesnt appear as if a repeat of deadly flooding in 2013 is coming. In the video, the band takes their talents to a picture-perfect Malibu beach and can be seen singing around a bonfire with friends. The country group is premiering the new music video for their romantic single, “World for Two,” exclusively with PEOPLE, and released their debut five-song EP on Friday. There’s a new boy band in town - King Calaway!